Monday, October 21, 2013

October Piano Lesson Props

I found these mini candy corn erasers in the dollar section at Target. (By the way, have you tried the Cartwheel app when you're shopping at Target??  I got these for $0.90 instead of $1 because of the 10% off coupon in the Cartwheel app!!!) 

I left some blank.  With these, I play games like a "following directions" game that includes intervals and direction and note names. 

For example, I would say, "Start with a candy corn on a D. Put the next one a skip higher. Put the next one on an A. Then go a 5th higher. Then a step lower. Then a 4th higher. Then a skip higher. End with a G."

With a handful of other erasers, I used a black permanent marker to write a number on each one.  

With these, I play a game where the student marks off the song on the piano with the order of the notes that fall in the song.  For example, below are the first 10 notes of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" on the piano.  One student described this game as, "Someone who doesn't know how to play piano could follow this like instructions on which key to press... like a connect the dots page but on piano!"

Can you guess which song these 10 notes belong to?

If you guessed Beethoven's 9th Symphony, you'd be correct!

One more handful of erasers I saved to write letters from the music alphabet on each one.  These are great for students that just started lessons that are practicing labeling the letters of the keys!

Target often has great seasonal erasers! You could do a variety of eraser props to help those students that are visual learners and benefit from seeing keys marked off on the piano!

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